Important Dates and Information

The Children's Commission requires grantees submit an annual project report as indicated in the FY 2022 Grant Guidelines and Instructions. These reports help the Commission understand your project, the impact it has had on the target population, what you learned from it, as well as what you would have done differently. The Commission staff includes details of your activities in its annual report published at the end of every grant cycle to the Administration for Children and Families and the Supreme Court of Texas.

The survey link that you received is unique to your computer. Progress made on the survey will be automatically saved allowing you to return at your convenience to complete.

Please answer all questions that apply to your project. You will be prompted at the conclusion of the survey to add, as an attachment, any data you identified in your grant application/award. The last day to obligate expenses for the FY 2022 grant is September 30, 2022. All outstanding requests for reimbursement and the Final Program Report are due on or before November 15, 2022.