Minnesota APRN Coalition is looking for dedicated individuals to apply for open positions. As a member of the APRN Coalition Board, you must be willing to contribute your time and talent to the organization, but the rewards that you will reap are invaluable! This is your opportunity to make a difference for APRN practice in Minnesota. We welcome you, and we thank you for your consideration.

If you are interested in joining the APRN Coalition Board of Directors, please complete this survey by Thursday, August 8, 2024. Elections will occur electronically shortly after the deadline, and new officers will start January, 2025. New officers will be announced at the Fall Annual Member Meeting held Wednesday, October 9, 2024.

Eligibility requirements:
● Present member of the APRN coalition.
● Applicants for board member must be licensed as an APRN in the state of MN. The open APRN director positions for the 2025-2026 elections are Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP) and Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
● Applicants for Student Board Member must be enrolled in an accredited APRN program. Post MSN DNP Program students who are already APRNs are also welcome.

By submitting an application for a Board position, you agree to:
● Continue to be a member of the APRN coalition.
● Follow the APRN Coalition bylaws, guidelines, and policies.
● Attend monthly meetings.
● Serve the two year term.

Position Descriptions (per Bylaws Article V, Officers)

All positions are two year terms.

  • Coordinate newsletter every other month with President's message. Obtain articles from committee chairs. Negotiate contract with O'Connell and others (MN ACNM). Communicate with external customers as needed. Coordinate external task force and legislative requests. Draft letters of support/concern regarding legislative issues. Coordinate legislative efforts with Legislative Chair. "Voice" of the MN APRN Coalition.

  • Take minutes each Board of Directors meeting and upload to the website.

APRN Directors (CRNA, CNP and CNS current openings):

  • Attend and actively participate in board meetings and serve on committees as able/willing.
  • Maintain ties with specific APRN organization.
  • Perform such additional duties as the President may request
Education Director:
  • Lead education efforts: Spring pharmacology conference, listening sessions, annual meeting (fall), speakers (call for presentation proposals), continuing education, PowerPoint etc. delivery of conference, monitor attendance
Communications Director:

  • Maintain/update webpage, initiate/maintain social medial presence including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Manage all communications with Coalition members through email, website, newsletters and U.S. mail.

Membership Director:

  • Report to board on membership numbers, manage election procedures, nominations, ballots, voting results, efforts to retain current members and recruitment of new members, maintain communication and recruit with student representatives/members.

Legislative Director:

  • Direct legislative committee, maintain communication with O'Connell Consulting, responsible for keeping membership informed of on-going legislative activities, report to treasurer on payments due to consultants, organize "Day on the Hill."

Question Title

* 1. Board Position you are applying for:

Question Title

* 2. Name and Credentials (as they should appear in the voting materials):

Question Title

* 3. Telephone Number:

Question Title

* 4. Email Address:

Question Title

* 5. Residential Address:

Question Title

* 6. Biography (250 words) Include relevant experience and employment history:

Question Title

* 7. Position Statement (250 Words) Include why you are interested in servng on the APRN Coalition, any areas of expertise and contributions that you feel you will make while serving on the board.