2024 MAWB Annual Summer Conference Evaluation

Thank you for attending the 2024 MAWB Annual Summer Conference in Duluth, and for taking a few minutes to complete this survey. Your feedback is vitally important for planning future events and meetings going forward! Please skip any questions that do not apply to you.
1.Overall, how would you rate the 2024 MAWB Annual Summer Conference?
2.Overall, how satisfied were you with the Inn on Lake Superior as a conference venue?
3.Overall, how satisfied were you with the meeting space at the Inn on Lake Superior?
4.If you attended dinner at Hoops Brewery, how would you rate the overall experience?
5.Do you think the Annual Summer Conference had a good balance of educational sessions and networking time?
6.Which sessions did you find the most valuable? Check all that apply.
7.Which sessions were NOT valuable to you. Check all that apply.
8.This year's MAWB Summer Conference was scheduled Wednesday - Friday. Which days of the week would you prefer to meet at future conferences?
9.Please list topics, speakers, and/or issues that you would like to hear a presentation about at a future MAWB event. 
10.Please list any suggestions for improvement at next year's MAWB Summer Conference.