1:00-3:45 - MAMES Roundtables with the Experts Session

Please share your feedback below!
1.Table 1.) Don’t leave it up to the experts: How Anyone Can Effectively Communicate with Lawmakers:
John Gallagher, VGM Group
2.Table 2.) Metrics, Measures and More for Operational Success:
Miriam Lieber, Lieber Consulting
3.Table 3.) Negotiating with the Medicare Advantage Plans (MAPs):
Laura Williard, AAHomecare
4.Table 4.) Become a Best Practice Success: KPI’s to fit your individual corporate strategy:
Sarah Hanna, ACU-Serve
5.Table 5.) Reimbursement
Ronda Buhrmester, VGM Group
6.Table 6.) Medicare: Discuss the most recent policy updates:
Tanya Gillies, Noridian
7.Table 7.) Medicare Audits – ending of PHE and follow-up to presentation:
Noel Neil, ACU-Serve
8.Table 8.) Complex Rehab Technology:
Wayne Grau, NCART & Dan Fedor, U.S.Rehab
9.Please share any Comments regarding Roundtables with the Experts sessions: