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Questions to see what you think about our new brand

This survey contains 10 questions that will take approximately 6 minutes to answer.

These questions are to help us understand your initial perceptions and feelings about our new Peggs brand and what you would like to see from us in the future.

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* 1. What do you think of our new Peggs brand?

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* 2. What three words you would use to describe our new brand?

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* 3. What do you believe Mrs Peggs would think of our new brand? Assuming that the Mrs Peggs character was a real person.

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* 4. After visiting our new Peggs website, how likely are you to explore the website?

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* 5. Please rate the below aspects of our new Peggs website.

  Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
Design look and feel
Ease of use
Ability to find what you are looking for
Quality of the website
Speed of the website
Shopping experience

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* 6. How well does the website communicate about our company's products?

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* 7. How well does the website communicate our values?

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* 8. After looking through our website, is there anything you think we could improve or that you think we should add in the future as a part of the website?

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* 9. If we were to offer you the opportunity to be part of a collective of Peggs product owners who could share information about making laundry more enjoyable and less of a chore, would you be interested?

Thank you for taking part in our new brand launch surveys. Your feedback is appreciated and very valuable to us. We will get back to you in a couple of weeks to let you know what people have had to say.

Thanks again from the team at Peggs.

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* 10. Contact Information. We need your name and email to ensure we can identify you in our system. That way, we can enter you in our lucky draw for your chance to win a Handyline of your choice.

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