*STOP PRESS* - survey closes 31st July 2024!

We would love your input

This is your chance to help us build a training and learning programme as part of Creative Climate Futures.

Creative Climate Futures is working with two pioneer neighbourhoods in Easterhouse and the Gorbals to trial new ways of giving communities the tools they need to fight climate change and transform their local areas. We want organisations across Glasgow to be able to take part, by learning from the pioneer neighbourhoods and offering advice about what has worked in their areas.

We plan to create a fully funded training and learning programme to be delivered in the second half of 2024, and we'd like the organisations who might want to participate to help us in co-designing the programme. Anyone completing this survey will be offered first refusal at the training sessions we deliver - and all sessions will be free to attend.

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* 1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your organisation? This is optional, but we will only be able to keep you up to date on future training sessions if you enter a valid email address.

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* 2. Which of these best describes your organisation?

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* 3. What sort of training might you be interested in taking part in? Please select as many as you wish

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* 4. As well as the options above, we would love to hear what other training you might find useful? Particularly anything with a focus on creativity and/or climate change.

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* 5. Finally, is there anything else you would like to see as part of Creative Climate Futures? Could we try something that hasn't been attempted before?

100% of survey complete.