Express your desire to partner with Forward City for the gospel!

Forward City Partners "Sign-up"

The requirements to be identified as an official Forward City Partner are:
  • Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ
  • Baptism as a believer
  • Affirmation of Forward City’s Statement of Faith (a short list of fundamental beliefs)
  • Affirmation of Forward City’s mission and vision
  • Engagement in the life of the Forward City family within the last year
If you consider yourself a partner (or "member")  within the Forward City family, and meet the requirements above, please fill out the form below. 

Note: Completing the form does not mean you have been added to our record of Forward City Partners. We will confirm that all requirements are met first. If we believe there is an issue, we will contact you. 

Thank you for your understanding as we do our due diligence as a not-for-profit organization and as stewards of the family God has given us.
1.Full Name (First and Last)(Required.)
2.Email Address(Required.)
3.Phone Number
4.If there are other members of your household above the age of 16 years that would like to be considered Forward City Partners, please list their full names below (separated by commas).
Thank you for your partnership with Forward City Church for the gospel. We are grateful for you.
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