Thank you for taking this survey


Thank you for your willingness to answer a few questions about your experience with the International Orthodox Theological Association’s inaugural conference. Your honest answers to these questions will help us focus future programs to better suit the needs of the church and academy.

The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

At the end of the survey, you will have the option to give your name in order to be contacted for further discussion about the conference. In all cases, however, survey answers will be kept confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The work done at this conference will benefit the academy.
The work done at this conference will benefit the church.
Having the ecumenical observers added value to the proceedings.
IOTA’s website should feature ongoing content related to the discussions at this conference. 
I would be interested in helping to plan one or more components of a future IOTA conference.
Transportation to the conference was feasible.
IOTA should plan a future conference like this one.
It is helpful for a conference like this to feature multiple academic disciplines rather than just one. 
Four years is an appropriate amount of time between large conferences.
I appreciated having the options for excursions to the monasteries.
Lodging at the conference was acceptable.
I met scholars at IOTA with whom I could imagine collaborating somehow in the future.
The conference was worth the time and effort that I put into being here.
I would be interested in attending an IOTA conference in the future.
It is helpful to have a keynote lecture at this conference.
The program was paced well to allow for adequate rest/social time.
The events (panels, lectures, discussions, etc.) that I attended at IOTA were largely helpful for addressing the topics at hand.
Food and dining options at the conference were acceptable.
Helpful interactions happened at this conference that likely would not have happened online.
The meeting venue(s) were appropriate for the conference.

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* 2. Where should IOTA put its efforts in between conferences? (e.g. website, resource production, regional conferences, etc.). 

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* 3. Are there other items that you would like to offer as feedback about the conference?

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* 4. Would you be willing to be contacted by IOTA staff at some point in the next few months for a brief discussion about your conference experience?

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* 5. If yes, please enter your best contact information.