Volunteer Managers - Have Your Say

Deadline: January 24th 2025
This short anonymous survey is a way for Volunteer Managers/Coordinators or similar role to have their say about how volunteering can be developed and improved across London.

This survey is a part of the London Vision and Action Plan for Volunteering project, a collaborative piece of work that will produce a final plan, by March 2025, with recommendations to develop volunteering across the capital. We are involving volunteer stakeholders to produce an ambitious plan that is grounded in reality to tackle challenges and grow volunteering in London. A draft plan will be shared with the voluntary and community sector to review on December 5th.

If you are not a Volunteer Manager then you can still have your say on this topic, click here to jump to the Londons Lifelines page.

More information about the project and how to engage can be found here. There is also a dedicated LinkedIn page with updates which you can access here.

If you have any questions about the programme or how this survey will be used, please contact programme lead Dominic Pinkney (dominic@works-4u.com).

1.Please indicate which boroughs you cover in your volunteer manager or similar role. This is so we can ensure we get input from all areas of London.
(Please tick all that apply)
2.What aspects of volunteering do you think there is potential for improvement or development?
(Pick as many as you feel appropriate)
3.Overall, as a sector, rates of formal volunteering have dropped. Is it harder for you to recruit volunteers now compared to before the pandemic?
4.Which of the following changes regarding DBS, if any, would help you involve more volunteers and/or involve volunteers more efficiently?
(select as many as you feel are appropriate)
5.Which types of free best practice support do you have access to as a volunteer manager?
(please tick all that you can or have accessed)
6.If there was a quick and easy to use best practice tool created to calculate the monetary or economic value of volunteering, would this be helpful to you to demonstrate the impact of your volunteer programme to senior management, board of trustees, funders, stakeholders and partners?
7.Do you have any suggestions for volunteering related research that would support your work or volunteering more generally?
8.Do you feel the role of Volunteer Manager is valued as a profession?
9.To what extent do you believe the national government recognises the importance of volunteering?
(Please leave blank if you do not have an opinion)
Not at all
10.To what extent do you believe the Greater London Authority recognises the importance of volunteering?
(Please leave blank if you do not have an opinion)
Not at all
11.To what extent do you believe your local authority recognises the importance of volunteering?
(Please leave blank if you do not have an opinion)
Not at all
12.The London Vision & Action Plan for Volunteering will hopefully lead to change and improvements in volunteering across the capital, what are the top recommendations you would like to see?
13.Are there any other comments/recommendations/concerns you would like to share to help shape the plan to develop volunteering in London? Do you have any research or case studies you would like to share?
14.The draft London Vision and Action Plan for Volunteering will be released on December 5th. Would you like to be notified so you have an opportunity to review it before a final report is produced? If yes, please add your email address below.