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VTA's 2021 Better Bus Stops project seeks to improve bus stops throughout VTA’s network with new amenities like pavement, shelter, and information signs.

Please share your input about which amenities you'd like and any special needs at your stops.

This input will be considered alongside ridership-based policies that guide where improvements are made.
How to Find Your Stop ID

Every VTA bus stop has a unique five-digit stop ID, starting with a 6.

For example: 6XXXX

Three easy ways to find your stop ID:
  1. On the bus stop sign
  2. In Google Maps, find and click on your bus stop to see the stop ID
  3. Use the "Street or Stop" tab on the Real Time widget - type the name of the street your stop is on and you'll see a list of stop IDs and stop names.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your stop ID number (five digits, starting with 6, like 6XXXX)


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* 2. Don't know your stop ID? Tell us the route, direction, and nearest cross streets.

Learn What's Planned

to find out what may be planned for your stops.

Question Title

* 3. Overall Experience

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* 4. Comfort

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* 5. Safety

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* 6. Cleanliness

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* 7. Lighting

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* 8. How could we improve this bus stop? Are there any special needs we should be aware of, or do you have any feedback about the potential improvements?

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* 9. Upload a photo of your stop that illustrates your feedback (optional)

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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