Emergency Department Patient and Family Experience Survey

1.Who is completing this survey?
2.Your experience was at which Huron Health System Facility?
3.If you had a long wait, were you told why?
4.Did the health professionals treating and examining you introduce themselves?
5.How often did care providers treat you with courtesy and respect?
6.How often did care providers explain things in a way you could understand?
7.Do you feel that there was good communication about your care between doctors, nurses and other hospital staff?
8.Did you get the emotional support you needed to help you with any anxieties, fears or worries you had during this hospital visit?
9.Did the care providers do everything they could do to ease your discomfort or symptoms?
10.Did you receive enough information from hospital staff about what to do if you were worried about your condition or treatment after you left the hospital?
11.Overall...(Please pick a number)
12.What else would you like to say about this emergency department experience? (Please do not include any names, contact information, or identifying information)
13.Is there a staff member or group that you would like to recognize for providing exceptional care or service?
If you have any immediate questions or concerns regarding your experience with us, please contact our Patient Relations Office using the contact information below.