Illinois’ 97 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) experienced a substantial funding shortfall in the FY 2025 state budget. SWCD operations funding was reduced by $4 million from $8.5 million in FY 24 to $4.5 million in FY 25. The shortfall will lead to the loss of trained and qualified Soil and Water Conservation District employees which will take years of training to replace. Without sufficient funding, employees, much like unprotected soil, will erode away.

We the undersigned residents of Illinois’ 97 local Soil and Water Conservation Districts from across the State of Illinois do respectfully request FY 25 SWCD operations funding be returned to level funding based on FY 24 funded appropriations.

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* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. Your county

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* 4. Your address (optional) (street, city, state, zip)

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* 5. Your email (optional)

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* 6. Click if you want to get updated by being added to the newsletter list for the Association of Illinois Soil & Water Conservation Districts.

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* 7. Click if you want to be contacted on how to volunteer and help get signatures.

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* 8. (Optional) Tell us about yourself to help us know how to get more support on the issue.

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* 9. (Optional) Where do you live?

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* 10. Thank you for supporting your local Soil & Water Conservation District!

Our goal is to get at least 100 signatures from each of the 97 local SWCD areas around the state of Illinois. We will present the signatures (from both this online and from paper petitions) to legislators, the governor, and state officials to show the deep support for SWCD work.

This is a project of the board of your local SWCD and collectively though our state association. Learn more about the Association of Illinois Soil & Water Conservation Districts at

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