SNAP Parent Carer Forum is working to try and improve the support that is provided to young people with SEND from age 14 as they move towards and into adulthood, up to the age of 25 years of age. To help us with this, we would greatly appreciate you giving us 5 minutes of your time to complete this brief survey to help us better understand what level of support young people are currently receiving within Central Bedfordshire. We will use this information to write and publish a report to inform Central Bedfordshire Council and health services of what is working well and what needs to improve.

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* 1. How old is your young person?

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* 2. Does your young person:

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* 3. If your young person has an EHCP, did their last Annual Review include a focus on any of the following areas? please tick any that apply

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* 4. If your young person is at SEN Support (the stage before an EHCP), at the last review of their progress did this include a focus on any of the following areas?

Please tick any that apply:

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* 5. How well do you think your young person’s curriculum at school or
college is preparing them to live independently from their family carers as an adult?

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* 6. Have the different options for adult independent living ever been explained to you or your young person?

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* 7. How well do you think your young person’s curriculum at school or college is helping them to prepare for volunteer or paid work after they leave education?

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* 8. Has your young person ever received careers advice? And if so, from whom?

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* 9. Are you or your young person's aware of what support is available to them to help them into supported employment as an adult?

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* 10. To what extent is your young person able to access local clubs and social groups and to feel included within their community?

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* 11. How well is your young person being supported to maintain their existing friendships or to make new ones by people other than their family carers (e.g. school, college, respite provision)

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* 12. How well do your young person’s short break or respite provision, or other clubs and activities focus on independent living skills (e.g. money and budgeting, cooking, public transport, hygiene)

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* 13. Does your young person have an annual health check with a GP or Nurse?

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* 14. If your young person is, or was, under the care of a paediatrician or children’s mental health services, are you aware of what happens after the age of 18?

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* 15. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about either education, health or social care?