Welcome to the National Federation of Young Farmers Club Survey

We are looking forward to learning more about you and your experience as a YFC member. Your responses will help us better support your YFC and county federations. We will also use this information to demonstrate the impact being a member of a Young Farmer Club has on young people and society, which helps us to influence decisions both locally and nationally. It will also help county federations with cases for fundraising to make sure clubs have a sustainable future.

Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we really value your time in completing the questions.

If you are under 16, please ask your parent or guardian to read and acknowledge the consent question at the start or to complete the survey with you or on your behalf. If you are 16 or 17, you can complete the survey on your own, but we encourage you to inform your parent or guardian.

Anonymity and Prize Draw:

Your answers to this survey are anonymous. Your data will only be used for the purpose of research for NFYFC and county federations. It will not be shared with any third parties. Details of our privacy policy can be found here.

However, as a thank you we will enter everyone who completes the survey into a prize draw for the chance to win a £200 voucher to spend with Ariat www.ariat.com. All you need to do is give us your email address at the end of the survey which provides us with permission to contact you should you be the lucky member to win the voucher!

Details of the Ariat prize you could win and terms and conditions are here