Knox Park skate park upgrade A new skate park at Knox Park Tweed Shire Council has received Federal Government funding to create a dedicated public youth space for recreational, social and leisure activities at Knox Park.The youth space will include a new 'best practice' plaza-style skate/scooter precinct, to replace the existing skate park.Council invites you to share your ideas about the design for the new skate/scooter precinct. Question Title * 1. What features would you like included in the skate/scooter precinct?Please select the following features your want included. Type '1' next to the feature you most want to see at the park, a '2' next to your next preference, and so on. You do not need to put a number next to every option. Features for younger/inexperienced riders Spine BMX jumps Rail Hubbas Fun box Big bowl Little bowl Street section Euro gap Gaps Key hole Features for experienced riders Roll-in Half pipe Question Title * 2. Are there any other features you would like included at the skate/scooter precinct? Please specify. Question Title * 3. Do you have any other comments about the features, location or anything else about the skate/scooter precinct? Question Title * 4. Would you like to be included in any future discussions about the skate/scooter precinct? Yes No Question Title * 5. Would you like to receive any updates about planning for the skate/scooter precinct? Yes No Question Title * 6. If you answered 'yes' to either Question 4 or Question 5, please provide a contact email address. Your details will be kept confidential. To plan the skate/scooter precinct, it would help us to know a bit about the people completing this survey. Question Title * 7. What is your age? Up to 10 years 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-25 26 years or over Done