Question Title

* 1. Please select the top factor that was most influential in your decision to attend the Journalism 360 Unconference: 

Question Title

* 2. How likely is it that you would recommend this event to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

For all of our events, ONA aims to make our spaces welcoming, engaging and comfortable. Your feedback helps us improve the experience for participants at all future events. 

Question Title

* 3. How was your experience with each of the following:

  This fell short of my expectations. This met my expectations. This exceeded my expectations! N/A
Sign in / greeting on Wednesday morning (collecting your name badge, greeting from staff):
Meeting venue, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism:
Wifi at the meeting venue:
Breakfast at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
Lunch at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
Sign in / greeting on Tuesday night (collecting your name badge, greeting from staff):
Demo venue on Tuesday Night, VR World NY

Question Title

* 4. Is there anything else ONA should consider with regards to hospitality at future events?


For all of our events, ONA aims to help participants make useful professional connections. This might be someone totally new to you, or someone you knew about, but hadn’t had a chance to interact with much before the Summit. Your feedback helps us consider ways to foster better connections in the future.

Question Title

* 5. Has the Journalism 360 Unconference helped you make any new, useful connections?

Question Title

* 6. How impactful were the Table Talks sessions in helping you find attendees to collaborate with in the future?

Question Title

* 7. Is there anything else ONA should consider with regards to creating better connections at future events?


ONA aims to make each event a unique and valuable learning opportunity. Your responses below help us understand whether each session contributed to this goal, and how we might improve for future events.
First, let's consider the Tuesday demos. We'll address Wednesday sessions later.

Question Title

* 8. What was your experience at the demo night on Tuesday at VR World?

Question Title

* 9. How interesting was the content you experienced?

Question Title

* 10. How engaging were the lightning talks? 

Question Title

* 11. Please share a few words about the demo night, good or bad. Your comments help us improve programming for future participants.

Question Title

* 12. Do you have any feedback for the presenter(s) ONA should pass along? (Tell us who we should send it to!)

Next, let's consider the Wednesday sessions.

Question Title

* 13. Think about each session you attended. How useful was the session content?

  The content wasn’t useful at all.
The content served as a refresh of things I already know.
The content sparked a new idea I hadn't thought of. The content was completely new and relevant for me. N/A / Didn't attend this session
Opening Discussion: Immersive Storytelling State of the Union, with Jeremy Gilbert, Zillah Watson, and Laura Hertzfeld
But Who's Watching? Making Immersive Content Accessible and Engaging, with Thomas Wallner, Meghan Sims, Paul Cheung
Making the Call: Ethical Questions in Immersive Storytelling, with Veda Shastri, Alexey Furman, and Jennifer Mizgata
Setting the Table: An Introduction to VR and Immersive Storytelling (Workshop), with Robert Hernandez
Storytelling and Best Practices in 360 Video (Workshop), with  Bob Sacha and Matt MacVey
Demos at Lunch
Table Talks
Takeaways, Asks and Offers

Question Title

* 14. How engaging was the session content?

  I wasn’t engaged at all. The presenter(s) could have had a few more useful examples or suggestions. The presenter(s) kept me engaged for the duration of the discussion. This was one of the most engaging discussions of the Summit for me. N/A / Didn't attend this session
Opening Discussion: Immersive Storytelling State of the Union, with Jeremy Gilbert, Zillah Watson, and Laura Hertzfeld
But Who's Watching? Making Immersive Content Accessible and Engaging, with Thomas Wallner, Meghan Sims, Paul Cheung
Making the Call: Ethical Questions in Immersive Storytelling, with Veda Shastri, Alexey Furman, and Jennifer Mizgata
Setting the Table: An Introduction to VR and Immersive Storytelling (Workshop), with Robert Hernandez
Storytelling and Best Practices in 360 Video (Workshop), with  Bob Sacha and Matt MacVey
Demos at Lunch
Table Talks
Takeaways, Asks and Offers

Question Title

* 15. Please share a few words about the sessions you attended, good or bad. Your comments help us improve programming for future participants. (Please make sure to indicate which session you're commenting on!)

Question Title

* 16. Do you have any feedback for the presenter(s) ONA should pass along? (Again - tell us who we should send it to!)

Now think about the Journalism 360 Unconference overall.

Question Title

* 17. What's one takeaway you can share from the Journalism 360 unconference? 

Question Title

* 18. Is there anything else ONA might do with regards to creating better learning opportunities at future events?

Question Title

* 19. What's your comfort level working on immersive content? 

Question Title

* 20. If you would like for ONA to follow up on a specific issue, please leave your name  and email and let us know what your question is.

Question Title

* 21. If you would like to enter the drawing to win a 360 camera, please share your name and email.