Empowered people embrace their community to achieve a sense of belonging

Question Title

* 1. I am proud of Whyalla

Question Title

* 2. I feel safe in my community

Question Title

* 3. I feel healthy and connected to my community (ie through access to services, activities, facilities and information)

Question Title

* 4. How likely are you to recommend Whyalla as a place to live?

A quality life in a safe and connected community

Question Title

* 5. I have created (and will continue to create) great memories of times when I have visited Whyalla’s parks, gardens, public buildings and coastline

Question Title

* 6. Whyalla’s parks, gardens, public buildings and coastline are well used and reflect community needs

Question Title

* 7. We look after our natural environment, effectively protecting it for current and future generations

A diverse and prosperous economy

Question Title

* 8. I can see opportunities for the growth of new / varied businesses in Whyalla

Question Title

* 9. How likely are you to recommend Whyalla as a place to do business?

Question Title

* 10. Opportunities for education in Whyalla are expanding

Question Title

* 11. More people are living, learning, working and staying in Whyalla as a result of increased opportunities

Leadership that creates and shares a prosperous future for the community of Whyalla

Question Title

* 12. Council delivers value for the rates that Whyalla residents and businesses pay

Question Title

* 13. I am satisfied with the services delivered by Council overall (ie library, parks & gardens, airport, animal management, jetty etc)

Question Title

* 14. I find it simple and convenient to access and do business with Council

Question Title

* 15. I am satisfied with my experiences in dealing with Council

Question Title

* 16. Council actively engages residents, ratepayers, community groups and visitors

Question Title

* 17. I actively participate in Council's engagement activities (ie community consultation - foreshore master plan, annual business plan & budget; direct engagement - Councillor Listening Post, public Council meetings; etc)

Question Title

* 18. I believe Council embraces and implements change and modern practices (ie finds new / innovative ways to meet the community's needs; utilises new technology (ie MLS app); etc)


Question Title

* 19. I feel informed on Council's activities

Question Title

* 20. Please tick the platforms / channels that you rely on to receive communications / updates from Council (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 21. Are you aware of the My Local Services app?

Question Title

* 22. Would you like to see any other forms of communication from Council?


Question Title

* 23. If you have any additional comments, please provide them below

These questions are optional, but will provide us with a greater level of detail on the
demographics related to those responding to the survey

Question Title

* 24. To which gender identity do you identify?

Question Title

* 25. Please select your age bracket

Question Title

* 26. Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent?

Question Title

* 27. Are you a person living with a disability?
NOTE: This data helps us better understand the level of people living with a disability in our community, further assisting with the implementation of our Disability Access & Inclusion Plan

Question Title

* 28. Is English the main language spoken in your household?

Question Title

* 29. In which suburb do you live?