2024 PSRW Feedback Survey

Thank you for your participation and contribution to this year's PSRW event in Olympia. Our success begins and ends with each of you, whether as a vendor, volunteer, or visitor. We would appreciate feedback on your experience this year and learn about what will inspire you to participate again next year.
Thanks in advance for your timely responses. The survey will remain open until 5pm, on May 31, 2024.
1.Please tell us your level of participation in the event.(Required.)
2.Please rate your experience with how the event was organized (planning, layout, flow of events, etc). 1 star being lowest and 5 stars being highest.(Required.)
3.7Please tell us your top 3 most enjoyable parts of the PSRW event, in no particular order.
Please select at most 3 options.
4.Please tell us how you find value in participating in this event.(Required.)
5.Is there anything else you would like to suggest or share about your experience with the 2024 PSRW? (Type answer below or send email to: psrw@ofm.wa.gov)
6.How likely are you to participate again next year? With 1 not likely, and 5 being very likely.