*Please feel free to print a copy of this consent page for your records.*
This research is being conducted by Dr. Jessica Eckstein, a faculty member in the Communication Department at Western Connecticut State University. This study surveys men and women about their experiences with different ways of communicating love in romantic relationships. The survey will be conducted online and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. To participate, you must be at least 18 years of age or older and have been in a romantic relationship at some time in your life.
There are no direct benefits to you from participating. However, the info you provide may help us better understand the experiences of people in all sorts of relationships.
The final, overall results will be presented in academic journals & conferences, but you & your info remain anonymous. You may skip any questions you don’t want to answer, and you can stop the survey or email me with questions at any time (If you email me, I won't retain your contact info & will have no way to link it to your survey).
For any questions about the study, email me [ecksteinj @ wcsu.edu].
This research was reviewed & approved by WCSU's Institutional Review Board (#2223-56, valid to March, 2024). If you have questions concerning the safety of participants in this study, please contact the WCSU IRB office at irb@wcsu.edu.
By clicking to proceed, you agree to the following:
• I am 18 years of age or older.
• I have been (or am now) in a romantic relationship.
• I have read & understand this consent info & voluntarily agree to participate in this study.