Thank you for your interest in serving on a sub-committee for the Big “I” National Young Agents Committee (YAC)! Please complete the following interest indicator with your information to be considered for a position.

Four subcommittees will be formed: agent relations, programming, GIVE Week and Young Agents Leadership Institute (YALI).
  1. The agents relations subcommittee will focus on communication with members and company partners.
  2. Programming includes activities like the bi-monthly virtual Young Agents Resource Roundtables.
  3. The GIVE subcommittee will work on GIVE Week, the annual event that encourages independent agents to engage in acts of community service.
  4. The YALI subcommittee will focus on activities and sessions for the annual in-person YALI each fall.
Submissions are due by Monday, March 17. Please contact Jamie Behymer if you have any questions.
Personal Information

Question Title

* 1. Full Name (First and Last)

Question Title

* 2. Job Title

Question Title

* 3. Employer

Question Title

* 4. Email Address

Question Title

* 6. Phone Number

Question Title

* 7. How long have you been in the insurance industry?

Question Title

* 8. Briefly describe your current job, your role, and responsibilities.

Question Title

* 9. Are you involved in your state's Young Agents program?

Question Title

* 10. Do you have/have you had a leadership position on your Young Agents Committee or in your state association? If yes, please include the title in the space below. If no, please type N/A.
Example: Young Agents Chair, Legislative Chair, etc.

Sub-Committee Information

Question Title

* 11. Please select the sub-committee(s) you are interested in joining:

Question Title

* 12. In 250-words or less, state below why you are interested in serving on the sub-committee indicated above and any special qualifications or skills.

By completing this form, you are agreeing to the following terms:
  • Your term on the sub-committee is for one year.
  • If you're selected for a sub-committee, you agree to participate in all sub-committee meetings via online platform. If special circumstances do not allow you to attend, you will communicate with the Sub-Committee Chair and Program Administrator to ensure feedback is provided pre/post meeting.
  • The Big "I" defines a Young Agent as someone 40 years or younger, or an individual who has less than 5 years experience in the industry. By clicking submit, you agree that you adhere to this definition.