Small Business Resource Center

About Your Business

Please share a little information about your business so that we can better provide programs. Information provided will only be presented to organizers in aggregate. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Joseph Henning, Henry County Chamber president.
1.How many employees are employed by your company (including yourself)?
2.In what ZIP code is your registered office?
3.In what type of business are you?
4.How did you acquire this business?
5.Which of the following best describes your situation?
6.How would you classify your business?
7.What resources would you like to see in the Resource Center?
8.What are your main short-term concerns for you or your business?
9.In your experience, how easy is it to find business support and advice?
10.In the past, on what topics have you sought advice on? Select three topic areas.
11.How do you prefer to receive business support?
12.Please describe your main challenge(s). Be as specific as you can.