Question Title

* 1. Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral/unsure Agree Strongly Agree
Overall, I am satisfied with the virtual conference.
The virtual conference met my learning expectations.

Question Title

* 2. Rate your satisfaction with each of these elements of AHRMM22 Virtual.

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied N/A or Did not attend Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
Learning Lab Sessions
Conference Website
Registration Process

Question Title

* 3. What health care supply chain education would you like AHRMM to offer at future conferences? Please be specific.

Question Title

* 4. What modalities of education are you interested in seeing more of from AHRMM?

Question Title

* 5. Would you recommend this event to a colleague?

Question Title

* 6. Why would you recommend our event?

Question Title

* 7. Why would you NOT recommend our event?

Question Title

* 8. How can we improve your experience? Please be specific.

Question Title

* 9. Any additional comments?

Question Title

* 10. Please enter your information.