Culture First Austin Community Chapter Survey

This brief survey is intended to help us identify key aspects of our Culture First Austin chapter community that are most important and assess existing community member preferences. It should take less than 5-8 minutes to complete.
1.What is your primary reason for joining the Austin Chapter community group?
2.What is the most important aspect of organizational culture for you to learn more?
3.How important is the leadership style of our Austin Chapter community group to you?
4.Which aspect of the community group's culture do you value the most?
5.How do you prefer to contribute to our community group?
6.How do you prefer to engage with other members of our community group?
7.What is your preferred level of commitment to our community group?
8.What kind of group communication style do you prefer?
9.What specific training would be helpful to your culture-related interests?
10.What resources such as culture-related subject matter expertise or open meeting space to hold chapter events might you have access to that the Austin chapter culture community could utilize?