Parents and Families 18-19 CDIP Needs Assessment Parents and Families Needs Assessment This survey creates an important source of information for district and school teams to use when they develop their improvement plans. OK Question Title * 1. Indicator 1.1: Guiding School Vision and Mission - Leadership across the educational community (students, staff, families, community, and school board) cultivate a shared vision, mission, and culture that emphasize the belief that ALL students are capable of success, with an emphasis on protected classes and historically and currently underserved and marginalized student groups.Components include:*The educational community collaboratively focuses on increasingand maintaining positive student outcomes in their vision, missionand culture.*Leaders nurture a culture that supports the belief that ALLstudents, with an emphasis on protected classes and historicallyand currently underserved and marginalized student groups, arecapable of success.*Leaders guide the educational community to draw from the visionand mission to support decision-making Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even ifteams are currently exploring options or discussing whether toproceed to install components. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place orclear plans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing - All components are in place and starting to make systemic changes. Sustaining Schoolwide - All components are in place PLUS overall effectiveness is monitored and continuously improved OK Question Title * 2. Indicator 1.3: Routines and Structures - Effective routines and structures are installed, supported, and monitored to ensure focus remains on the needs and outcomes of ALL students, with an emphasis on protected classes and historically and currently underserved and marginalized student groups.Components include:*Leaders ensure data-informed decision-making routines occuracross all levels (e.g., school, grade, classroom, group, andstudent) to gauge planned progress and outcome goals.*Leaders’ decision-making routines include celebrations, coursecorrections, and timely and equitable allocation of resources andsupports.*Leaders regularly use proactive, systematic communication andfeedback loops with stakeholder groups to address plan andstudent progress. Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even ifteams are currently exploring options or discussing whether toproceed to install components. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place orclear plans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing. All components are in place and starting to makesystemic changes. Sustaining Schoolwide: All components are in place PLUSoverall effectiveness is monitored and continuously improved. OK Question Title * 3. Indicator 3. 1: Inclusiveness, Recruitment and Participation - Multiple pathways and feedback loops promote genuine partnerships among all stakeholder groups.Components include:*All stakeholder groups are recruited with equal opportunity toparticipate on committees and teams that address school policyand implementation decisions.*All stakeholder groups are represented and meaningfullyengaged in school committees and teams.*A clear, formalized process is in place for stakeholder groups toserve as volunteers within and outside of the school environment.*School uses stakeholder data when making important decisions. Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even ifteams are currently exploring options or discussing whether toproceed to install components. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place orclear plans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing. All components are in place and starting to makesystemic changes. Sustaining Schoolwide: All components are in place PLUSoverall effectiveness is monitored and continuously improved. OK Question Title * 4. Indicator 3.2: Communication Systems to Gather and Share information - Communication systems are effective, transparent and multifaceted to ensure ongoing two-way communication.Components include:*Communication systems are in place to develop and sustainactive working relationships among educators and stakeholdergroups.*Systems are in place to inform stakeholder groups about studentprogress in a timely, relevant, and meaningful manner.*Systems are in place to assess the perceived quality of thecommunication between the school and stakeholder groups.*Systems are in place to ensure all stakeholder groups haveaccess to school information and are able to participate in publicmeetings and activities.*Systems are in place to ensure stakeholder group equity of voicein decision-making Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even ifteams are currently exploring options or discussing whether toproceed to install components. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place orclear plans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing. All components are in place and starting to makesystemic changes. Sustaining Schoolwide: All components are in place PLUSoverall effectiveness is monitored and continuously improved. OK Question Title * 5. Indicator 3.3: Review and Incorporate Stakeholder Input - Stakeholder input is valued and genuine partnerships are established and maintainedComponents include:*Stakeholder input is reviewed by School Leadership Team todetermine what school and community resources are needed andavailable, and to create clear processes to access theseresources.*Stakeholder input is incorporated into policy and implementationdecisions and includes opportunities for constructive feedback,suggestions and questions. Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even ifteams are currently exploring options or discussing whether toproceed to install components. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place orclear plans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing. All components are in place and starting to makesystemic changes. Sustaining Schoolwide: All components are in place PLUSoverall effectiveness is monitored and continuously improved. OK Question Title * 6. Indicator 4.1: Student Centered & Relational Principles for Learning - Ensuring that relationships foster the necessary conditions for student-centered learningComponents include:*School personnel support personalized learning principles thatpromote learning experiences tailored to meet the unique needsand ensure strong growth of each individual student on a real-timebasis.*School personnel support relational learning principles thatprovide instruction, modeling, and classroom norms that promotesstudents’ social competency, self-efficacy and identity.*School personnel support interactive learning practices wherestudents and teachers are both active co-participants in thelearning process. Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even if teams arecurrently exploring options or discussing whether to proceed to installcomponents. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place or clearplans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing. All components are in place and starting to makesystemic changes. Sustaining Schoolwide: All components are in placePLUS overall effectiveness is monitored and continuouslyimproved OK Question Title * 7. Indicator 4.2: Materials and Practices to Inform Instruction - Effective instructional practices attend to the essential knowledge and skills expected for ALL students. Components include:*Effective instructional practices are implemented with fidelityand common instructional expectations are posted and supported.*Formative assessment practices are used to ensure studentsprogress and meet learning goals.*Principles of Universal Design for Learning and culturallyresponsive instruction are applied to ensure ALL students, withan emphasis on protected classes and historically and currentlyunderserved and marginalized student groups, have access toand connections with the content.*Core academic materials are aligned and updated to statestandards on a regular schedule in all academic disciplines.*School personnel support interdisciplinary connections throughinstruction that help students understand a variety of perspectives,and promote engagement through creative and critical thinkingwhile working across disciplines.*School personnel intentionally integrate school communityconnections that reflect the student population into curriculumand instruction Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even if teamsare currently exploring options or discussing whether to proceed to installcomponents. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place orclear plans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing. All components are in place and starting to makesystemic changes. Sustaining Schoolwide: All components are in placePLUS overall effectiveness is monitored and continuouslyimproved. OK Question Title * 8. Indicator 4.3: Cultivate Academic Success - Student attributes and beliefs are cultivated to instill a sense of personal growth and responsibility.Components include:*Staff explicitly attend to developing positive student academicbehaviors.*Staff develop student academic perseverance skills by creatinga learning environment that promotes essential qualities.*Staff develop positive student academic mindsets that motivatestudents to accomplish academic goals.*Staff regularly demonstrate effective learning strategies allowstudents to leverage academic behaviors to maximize learning.*Staff teach, model and promote social and emotional skillsneeded for academic success that include interpersonal qualitiessuch as cooperation, assertion, responsibility, and empathy. Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even if teamsare currently exploring options or discussing whether to proceed to installcomponents. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place orclear plans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing. All components are in place and starting to makesystemic changes. Sustaining Schoolwide: All components are in placePLUS overall effectiveness is monitored and continuouslyimproved. OK Question Title * 9. Indicator 5.1: Equity & Access - A welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment is expected and reinforced across all school activities and settings.Components include:*Cultural responsiveness and sensitivity to individual differencesare consistently evident in all school activities and practices (e.g.,school policy, family involvement, teaching and learning).*Inclusive practices are routinely reviewed and evaluated toensure a shared responsibility for student outcomes throughoutthe entire school community.*Extra-curricular activities are regularly reviewed to ensure ALLstudents, with an emphasis on protected classes and historicallyand currently underserved and marginalized student groups, haveaccess and opportunity to participate.*The Oregon Equity Lens is a reference point used by staffimplementing a new activity to ensure continued inclusivepractices.*School climate and culture are regularly reviewed and inform policyand other decisions that ensure basic learning needs are met. Laying the Foundation. No components are in place, even ifteams are currently exploring options or discussing whether toproceed to install components. Installing. One or more, but not all, components are in place orclear plans are in place to proceed with installation of components. Implementing. All components are in place and starting to makesystemic changes Sustaining Schoolwide: All components are in place PLUSoverall effectiveness is monitored and continuously improved. OK DONE