Past - NZNOG 2023 Feedback

Question Title

* 1. Did you attend the main conference?

Question Title

* 2. How did you find each talk?

Please only rate talks you attended, do not feel like you need to rank them all.

  Terrible Not good OK Great Terrific
AI and AIOps - Noel Thompson
AWS Direct Connect for Network Operators - Mike Jager
Cyclone Gaby and why having a BCP Plan is so important - Simon Allard
EVPN Gateway, Hierarchical Scaling and Data Centre Interconnect - Conrad Bullock
gRIBI Service for RIB injection - Rich Bayliss
Historical Address Space - Elly Tawhai
IPv6 Retropsective - Dave Phelan
Keep Ukraine Connected - Rene Fichtmüller
Megaport Update - Jason Bordujenko
MTUs, MRUs and PMTUs - Mark Smith
NCSC Update - Rachelle Green and Norman Va'ai
NZIX: Tech Update - Matt Kobayashi
NZNOG update - Dave Mill
OpenLI update - Shane Alcock
Opensource Traffic Generator - Beck Zhenzing Lyu
Outage Event and Subsequent Learnings - Peter White
PacificIXP - Chris Browning
Shutdowns, Hijacks and Disruptions - Shane Alcock
Stories disrupting malicious network activity using NZ government IOCs - Dean Pemberton, James Fitzsimons
WISP to FISP GPON and how we got here - Chris Roberts
SPACE LASERS and other contemporary communications systems - Jon Brewer

Question Title

* 3. How did you find the talks overall?

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any comments on the talks?

Question Title

* 5. How did you find the conference venue overall?

Question Title

* 6. Do you have any comments on the venue?