AI and AIOps - Noel Thompson
AWS Direct Connect for Network Operators - Mike Jager
Cyclone Gaby and why having a BCP Plan is so important - Simon Allard
EVPN Gateway, Hierarchical Scaling and Data Centre Interconnect - Conrad Bullock
gRIBI Service for RIB injection - Rich Bayliss
Historical Address Space - Elly Tawhai
IPv6 Retropsective - Dave Phelan
Keep Ukraine Connected - Rene Fichtmüller
Megaport Update - Jason Bordujenko
MTUs, MRUs and PMTUs - Mark Smith
NCSC Update - Rachelle Green and Norman Va'ai
NZIX: Tech Update - Matt Kobayashi
NZNOG update - Dave Mill
OpenLI update - Shane Alcock
Opensource Traffic Generator - Beck Zhenzing Lyu
Outage Event and Subsequent Learnings - Peter White
PacificIXP - Chris Browning
Shutdowns, Hijacks and Disruptions - Shane Alcock
Stories disrupting malicious network activity using NZ government IOCs - Dean Pemberton, James Fitzsimons
WISP to FISP GPON and how we got here - Chris Roberts
SPACE LASERS and other contemporary communications systems - Jon Brewer