We would like your feedback on a very important and innovative natural holistic addiction recovery program? However, by taking this survey, you agree it is not providing medical advice. Consider the following sobering statistics:
-- According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, 10 percent of US adults have drug use disorder at some point in their lives. Nearly 21 million Americans struggle with substance addictions which is more than the number of people who have all cancers combined.
-- Drug deaths in Connecticut in 2012 was 3,571 and 10,382 in 2017. Connecticut is ranked 9th or higher among all states in the its opioid overdose death rate. Overdose death rates have doubled for all racial groups in Connecticut and includes people ages 14 - 85 years old.
-- The U.S. economy loses an estimated $40 billion annually in lost wages and productivity resulting from death, incarceration and decreased productivity.
-- Even with 14,500 specialized substance abuse treatment facilities, in 2017, an estimated 20.7 million people age 12 and older needed treatment for a substance use disorder. And only 4 million people received treatment, or about 19% of those who needed it.
--The relapse rate for substance use disorders is estimated to be between 40% and 60% or higher
-- In 2017, 8.5 million American adults suffered from both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder, or co-occurring disorders.