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BDCC is committed to ensuring that every organization in the Windham region has the information it needs to move forward. We are also working to understand the scope and scale of impacts, which continue to evolve. By answering this short survey you are helping us to assess the level of need. This information is critical for us to understand how well those needs are being met now and in the future. 

Thank you for taking the time to share information with us. Your data is confidential, but this survey also allows you to respond anonymously if you prefer. We will share the results of this survey (but not individual responses) with state and federal officials in order to ensure the needs of businesses and employers in the Windham region are known.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. In what town are you located?

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* 3. Are you a...

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* 4. What is your business sector?

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* 5. If you have employees, how many did you have before the COVID-19 crisis?

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* 6. How many employees do you have currently?

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* 7. Which relief options have you applied to? (Check All That Apply)

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* 8. Which relief option do you plan to apply to? (Check All That Apply)

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* 9. Have you or do you plan to apply to a relief program we did not list? (Please Specify)

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* 10. Is there anything else you would like to share?

0 of 10 answered