The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC), in collaboration with the Mid-Atlantic Association of Community Health Centers (MACHC), requests FQHC administrative offices complete a brief health information technology (health IT) questionnaire (questionnaire) about electronic health records (EHRs), health information exchange (HIE), telehealth, and cybersecurity.  Your response will inform State planning and health policy discussions.  Information gathered will also be used to identify opportunities to convene peer-to-peer learning events that discuss best practices for using health IT and data to address social risks and improve health outcomes among underserved communities and vulnerable populations.
Note:  This questionnaire must be completed online and is being administered through SurveyMonkey.  Responses collected via SurveyMonkey are stored in SOC 2 accredited data centers with 24/7 monitoring, cameras, visitor logs, and entry limitations.  Data is transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection, and user logins are protected via a Transport Layer Security protocol.  Data is encrypted at rest and in motion using industry-standard encryption.  More information on SurveyMonkey’s Data Security can be found here.  SurveyMonkey’s Privacy Notice can be found here and Security Statement can be found here
The MHCC kindly requests your response to this questionnaire by Wednesday, June 15, 2022.  Completion may require different individuals to respond most appropriately on behalf of your FQHC.  One questionnaire should be completed for your overall organization

Thank you in advance for your response to this questionnaire.  Please direct questions to Kelly Scott at kelly.scott@maryland.gov

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Question Title

1.  Select the EHR system(s) currently used by your FQHC:

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Specify number of years with vendor(s). For multiple vendors, please specify vendor name before number of years (e.g., Allscripts 7; Dentrix 5).

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2.  Does your FQHC use a cloud-based EHR (i.e., applications that store data in a cloud server as opposed to an on-premises EHR that hosts in-house servers and computers implemented and maintained by your FQHC’s IT team)?

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3.  Does your FQHC have plans to switch EHR vendors within the next 12 months?

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4.  Please rate your satisfaction with your primary EHR system across the following categories:

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied N/A
Ease of Use
Service and Support
Overall Satisfaction

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5.  What type of practice management system does your FQHC use?

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Specify vendor (if applicable) and number of years using the practice management system

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6.  Does your FQHC use a cloud-based practice management system?

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7.  Please rate your satisfaction with your practice management system across the following categories:

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied N/A
Ease of Use
Service and Support
Overall Satisfaction

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8.  Do all service delivery sites offer telehealth services?

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9.  What telehealth solution(s) does your FQHC use and to what extent are the solution(s) integrated with the FQHC’s EHR (select all that apply):

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Specify telehealth vendor name(s)

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10.  How does FQHC staff help prepare patients and their caregivers for a telehealth visit (select all that apply)?

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11.  What are the leading challenges associated with telehealth (rank up to 3 with 1 being the greatest challenge)?

  1 2 3
Integration of telehealth with the EHR
Aligning workflows for virtual and in-person services
Ensuring equal access to telehealth services for underserved populations
Uncertainty of state and federal telehealth policies and regulations
Privacy and security
Other challenges not listed (specify)
No challenges

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12.  What does your FQHC use to screen patients for social determinants of health (SDoH) (select all that apply)? 

 SDoH are the economic and social conditions that impact health, such as the environment in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.