Medication Administration Train-the-Trainer- Online Course Evaluation

Medication Administration Train-the-Trainer- Online Course Evaluation

Because the online course is separate from the Face-to-Face course we thought it would be helpful to give you an opportunity to evaluate the course separately from the one-day training.  

Please note that a response is required for some questions.

Thank you in advance for taking this survey!

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
I understood the learning objectives outlined for the online course
I found the course to be appropriately challenging (neither too difficult nor too easy)
The course materials and content held my interest
The course content was arranged in a clear and logical way
I was comfortable with the pace of the course
The course was easy to navigate
I anticipate that this training will enable me to make a positive contribution to my organization
I do not anticipate any barriers to applying what I learned
The quizzes and practice materials adequately prepared me for the exams
The exams adequately tested the material presented in the course
I would recommend this course to a colleage

Question Title

* 3. What were the three most useful facts you learned in the online course

Question Title

* 4. From what you learned in the online course, what do you hope to apply when you return to your job?

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* 5. What impact do you think you might have on your students / organization by applying what you learned?

Question Title

* 6. What improvements would you recommend for the course?

Question Title

* 7. Are there any other thoughts about this course or about any of the responses you have given previously, that you would like to share?

Question Title

* 8. You may, optionally,  include your name and/or organization