We know many of you are suffering from feedback fatigue - you've answered surveys before and maybe you think it didn't really matter. So, why should you take 20 minutes or so to complete this survey?  It was written and is being administered by the nonprofit Josephson Institute of Ethics, an institution noted for its objectivity and its commitment to examining all important aspects of the culture of policing organizations. The questions reflect extensive interviews and has been customized to focus precisely on the issues in the Fresno Police Department. It gives you an opportunity to safely state your candid opinion on a wide range of issues.

The Josephson Institute will prepare a report and recommendations that will be made available to all members of the Department. The results will also be used to design the content of a 3 hour training session that will be conducted by Embassy Consulting Services, LLC, the consultants who recently conducted your training for Interacting Effectively with the Mentally Ill.

CONFIDENTIALITY. Only the Josephson Institute has access to the responses.No attempt to connect any opinion with the person making it will be made.Please be candid.

Question Title


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Question Title

* 3. UNIT/DIVISION/BUREAU. (If you supervise more than one of the listed units skip this question)

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Question Title

* 5. YEARS with FPD:

Question Title

* 6. PRIDE, MORALE, & TRUST. Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

5 = Strongly agree 4 = Agree 3 = Disagree 2 = Strongly disagree 1 = No opinion

  5 4 3 2 1
1. I am confident that leadership will use the results of this survey to make positive changes.
2. I am confident my responses will be kept confidential and no effort will be made to connect responses to individuals.
3. I don't believe that leadership really cares about what I think.
4. Since I joined the FPD, performance in reducing crime, collisions, and serving the community have improved significantly.
5. Since I joined the FPD, working conditions and job satisfaction have improved significantly.
6. I feel my work is appreciated and valued by the community as a whole.
7. I feel my work is appreciated and valued by my supervisor.
8. I feel my work is appreciated and valued by top leadership.
9. I am proud to be a part of the FPD.
10. I would gladly recommend friends and relatives to work for FPD.
11. I am seriously considering leaving the FPD to work for another law enforcement agency.
12. I am seriously considering leaving the FPD to work in another field.
13. Low morale is a problem for only a small minority of people in my unit/division.
14. Concerns about low morale are overblown. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness.
15. FPD management is greatly concerned about the safety of line patrol officers.
16. FPD management is out of touch with modern day policing challenges.
17, Patrol supervisors (sergeants and lieutenants) should be required to work (or closely observe) a patrol beat assignment at least twice a year.
18. There is a strong sense of unity ("all for one and one for all") within the department as a whole.
19. There is a strong sense of unity ("all for one and one for all") within my unit/division.
20.. There is a  growing  "every man/woman for him/herself" attitude within my unit/division.
21. Rumored instability and political infighting at the top have diminished confidence in leadership.
22. Reduction of five deputy chiefs to  two has resulted in a more efficient and effective chain of command structure.
23. The department would function better if two or more deputy or assistant chiefs were added to share leadership responsibility.
24. The Chief has been doing all that he can. The major problems at FPD are beyond the Chief's power or authority to correct.

Question Title

* 7. To the extent that officers or employees in your unit are unhappy or dissatisfied with working conditions please indicate which of the following possible reasons are SIGNIFICANT factors (You may mark more than one option).

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* 8. MISCONDUCT. Despite impressive performance data in 2014 (including reductions in violent crime, automobile injuries, and use of force complaints), the FPD has suffered bad publicity based on prominent instances of improper conduct . What is your opinion?

Question Title

* 9. DISCIPLINE, As to the specific discipline cases you know about, what is your overall opinion as to the outcome.


Question Title

* 10. PERFORMANCE. Please give your most candid and fair rating of the performance of the Fresno Police Department with respect to each of the following objectives (leave blank if you have no opinion).

A = Excellent     B+ = Very good    B = Good    C = Adequate    D = Poor     F = Very poor

  A B+ B C D F
1. Preventing citizens from becoming victims of violent crime.
2. Preventing citizens from being injured in traffic collisions.
3. Preventing and reducing non-violent crimes.
4. Arresting persons who committed violent crimes.
5. Arresting persons who committed property crimes.
6. Providing prosecutor with sufficient evidence to secure convictions of persons arrested.
7. Protecting citizens and their property endangered or injured by floods, fires, and other non-criminal forces.
8. Protecting the homeless, mentally ill, children and, other vulnerable populations.
9. Effectively dealing with traffic accidents and injuries (assuring that emergency aid is provided, roads are promptly cleared, and complete and useful incident reports are prepared).
10. Dealing with disturbances of the peace, public nuisances, and non-urgent citizen calls in a manner that upholds the civil liberties of all parties and provides citizens with a safe and secure environment.
11. Collaborating with other organizations to identify and reduce the causes of crime.
12. Employing community policing strategies to earn legitimacy (trust) and more effectively accomplish objectives.
13. Providing an environment where people feel safe, secure, and well-protected in their homes, businesses, and public places.
14. Responding to citizen calls in a timely, respectful manner that results in citizen satisfaction.
15. Safeguarding the civil liberties and rights of all citizens.
16. Providing equal service and protection to all segments of the community.
17. Providing current, credible, and accurate data to allow the public to assess the department’s effectiveness.
18. Providing the training and oversight to assure that sworn officers always comply with the law and department policies.
19. Providing training and oversight to assure that civilian employees always comply with the law and department policies.
20. Providing training and oversight to assure that all employees adhere to high ethical and professional standards above and beyond legal minimum requirements.
21. Implementing policies and strategies that effectively and efficiently achieve objectives without causing unintended consequences or incurring undue costs.
22. Promptly responding to calls; promptly and politely returning phone messages; providing timely follow-up investigations; resolving citizen questions, problems and complaints; keeping crime victims informed; and being sensitive to the needs of business and property owners.
23. Recruiting the best candidates possible who are representative of the community in ethnicity and gender to achieve diversity goals without compromising standards.
24. Maintaining the trust and support of the community as a whole.
25. Maintaining trust and support of Hispanic citizens.
26. Maintaining trust and support of African American citizens.
27. Maintaining trust and support among sworn officers.
28. Maintaining trust and support among civilian employees.
29. Assuring that officers and civilian employees treat all citizens professionally, with respect, dignity, compassion, fairness, empathy, and courtesy; officers and civilian employees are not condescending, disrespectful, rude, or unapproachable during citizen contacts, regardless of how the officers are treated.
30. Officers and civilian employees maintain a positive, "can do" attitude while handling complaints, calls, concerns, inquires, etc. from citizens.

Question Title

* 11. LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT ISSUES. Please give your most candid and fair rating of the performance of the Fresno Police Department with respect to each of the following leadership, organizational and management issues, (Leave blank if you have no opinion).

A = Excellent     B+ = Very good     B = Good    C = Adequate     D = Poor     F = Very poor

  A B+ B C D F
1. Leaders and managers consistently articulate, advocate, enforce, and model the agency’s stated values.
2. Operational and personnel policies and practices (including hiring, training, promotions, discipline, deployment, and compensation) are implemented in a manner that inspires trust.
3. The organizational culture fosters a sense of unity where all employees care about and look out for each other.
4. The organizational culture fosters a sense of purpose and pride in the agency and it's mission.
5. The organizational culture is intolerant of minimal effort, sub-standard performance, and corner cutting.
6. The organizational culture attracts and retains employees of high character, commitment, and competence.
7. The organizational culture promotes professionalism so that all employees are expected to continually improve their skills and performance and find new and better ways to perform their jobs.
8. The organizational culture fosters and demands personal accountability so that all employees accept responsibility to protect the public and the agency's credibility by preventing or reporting unlawful or unethical conduct.
9. The FPD effectively recruits and develops a workforce composed of diverse employees who represent the community we serve.
10. The FPD effectively recruits and develops a workforce composed of competent, service-oriented employees dedicated to protecting and serving the community..
11. Management cares about and seeks to protect the physical and emotional well-being of employees and supports a reasonable work/life balance.
12. Supervisors provide subordinates with regular feedback concerning their performance.
13. Staff members and supervisors treat employees fairly, with honesty, respect, and dignity; they do not demean, embarrass, or act condescendingly towards employees.
14. When employees demonstrate a desire to be promoted, supervisors do all they can to encourage them, counsel them on perceived weakness, encourage them to gain experience in various assignments, and ensure that they have every opportunity to promote.
15. The FPD provides employees with equipment needed to ensure their safety, keep the community safe, and provide the community with the most effective and efficient service available.
16. All employees, regardless of rank, are held accountable for substandard performance or misconduct through counseling, training, re-assignment, suspension, or termination.
17. Leaders and managers encourage open communication where employees believe they can respectfully disagree and make suggestions without fear of retaliation.
18. Leaders and managers promote employee engagement by inviting input concerning decisions that affect their jobs.
19. Managers and leaders generate trust and confidence in their vision, integrity, intentions, and judgment and motivate employees to work as team to achieve mission outcomes.
20. Leaders and managers demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professionalization so that the agency represents the 'state-of-the-art' in policing performance.
22. Leaders identify and adopt new strategies and technologies to respond to emerging social trends (e.g., social media, internet crimes, etc.) that affect the safety or well-being of the community.
23. Leaders make prudent, informed, cost effective, and community sensitive decisions as whether and how to use a new methods and technologies (e.g., crime mapping, hot spot analysis, etc.) and policing strategies to better achieve mission goals (e.g., community policing, problem-oriented policing, predictive policing).
24. The FPD operates with honesty and openness and provides information to the public as often as possible without compromising privacy rights, confidentiality laws, and the integrity of investigations.
A = Very Strongly Agree  B+ = Strongly agree   B = Agree   C = Disagree  D - Strongly Disagree  F= Very Strongly Disagree
25. The overall impact of the DROP program has been detrimental to morale and performance.
26. As new funds become available to the FPD, top priority should be placed on raising the compensation of current officers rather than hiring new ones to fulfill staffing needs.
27. With rare exceptions, FPD management leads by example and earns the respect of the line level sworn employees.
28. In my unit/division, management consistently makes assignment and promotion decisions based on merit and experience.
29. In my unit/division, FPD efforts to achieve greater diversity has resulted in the hiring of persons of doubtful qualifications and has negatively affected performance.
30. My supervisor is more concerned with achieving good numbers (e.g. arrests, citations issued, productivity data) than good policing results.
31. Other than when first employed as a sworn employee, patrol division assignments generally are used to punish or discipline officers.

Question Title

* 12. CONDUCT & ATTITUDES. Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

5 = Strongly agree 4 = Agree 3 = Disagree 2 = Strongly disagree 1 = No opinion

  5 4 3 2 1
1. In my unit/division, superiors create a kind of quota system placing great emphasis on creating good statistics without focusing on meaningful outcomes (e.g., felony arrests and parole violations).
2. Whether true or not, the patrol division has been demeaned by a belief among many employees that it is composed primarily of new officers or "losers" (folks who can't promote out, were disciplined, or were demoted).
3. I would very much like to be transferred or promoted to another unit/division.
4. In the past 12 months a supervisor has lied to me or misled me about something significant.
5. In the past 12 months a supervisor has treated me with disrespect.
6. In the past 12 months I have lied to or misled an officer within the department about something significant.
7. In the past 12 months I have withheld negative information from a superior to avoid a "kill the messenger" response.
8. In my unit, there is a pervasive kill-the-messenger culture that causes many employees to conceal or distort negative information.
9. In my unit, it is sometimes necessary to ignore or bend agency policies to accomplish our objectives.
10. Most officers are basically honest, but they may occasionally lie, deceive, or conceal a fact to assure justice is done.
11. Abuse of workers compensation injury claims and sick time is a problem in my unit/division.
12. In today's environment, many officers make decisions based on fear of reprimand or to avoid risk of personal or career injury rather than on what is the right thing to do.
13. In today's world, a person must lie or cheat at least occasionally to succeed.
14. Staffing shortages are so urgent that the FPD should be willing to lower the qualification standards if necessary. We have to get the best we can get.
15. Background investigations aren't thorough enough, resulting in officers being hired who should have been screened out.
16.Our ability to achieve our mission would improve if management more effectively communicated its reasons for certain policies and gave employees a reasonable chance to give their opinions and offer alternatives.
17. Patrol officers who are seriously overweight or otherwise out of condition present a danger to citizens, themselves, and other officers.
18. I would support a reasonable ongoing fitness requirement, at least for patrol officers.
19. Even when thought necessary to achieve justice, it is never proper to lie, deliberately mislead, or conceal information in warrant applications, written or oral reports, or courtroom testimony.
20. Lying on any official matter is always a serious offense, and there must always be a serious consequence.

Question Title

* 13. Please indicate your opinion as to the whether the listed behaviors or attitudes are serious problems that should be addressed.

5 = Severe problem presenting an imminent and major threat to performance or damage to the agency.
4 = Serious problem presenting a significant threat to performance or damage to the agency.
3 = Somewhat serious presenting a possible threat to performance or damage to the agency.
2 = Minor problem
1 = Not a problem at all

  5 4 3 2 1
1. Low morale.
2. Poor work ethic.
3. Fabrication or distortion in reporting, affidavits and testifying.
4. Abuse of sick days and workers comp benefits.
5. Manipulation of data and crime statistics by the way crimes are categorized.
6. Number of arrests that do not result in convictions or guilty pleas.
7. Overemphasis on statistics (e.g., number of arrests) rather than real and meaningful police outcomes.
8. Code of silence preventing officers from being accountable and honest re: misconduct of other officers.
9. Arrogance, disrespect or abuse of power by patrol officers toward citizens.
10. Arrogance, disrespect or abuse of power by supervisory officers toward subordinates.
11. Gender bias within the agency.
12. Racial bias within the agency.
13. Alcohol or other substance abuse by officers.
14. Off duty DUIs committed by officers.
15. Domestic abuse committed by officers.
16. Improper use of force.
17. Sexual misconduct of officers
18. Improper racial or gender bias affecting public.
19. Officers failing to do what they should do because of fear of criticism, discipline or lawsuits
20. Persistent absences, tardiness or missing court dates.
21. Lack of physical fitness of some patrol officers.