Thank you for your willingness to complete this questionnaire. Your response is your opportunity to potentially make a list of the Best Financial Planners in the country, which will be developed by Please complete these questions truthfully (we reserve the right to check the accuracy of the data you submit) and in full.

All questions identified with an* are required and must be answered. Questionnaires will not be considered if all asterisked questions are not completed.

We expect the questionnaire to take about 15 to 20 minutes of your time. (Note: your answers will not be saved if you exit the questionnaire before completing the questions in full.)

The questions are informed by empirical academic research and were reviewed by a panel of practitioners and a survey-research expert.’s scoring methodology will ensure the list is objective and based solely on data.

All questions may be scored towards our list(s) except those identified as "NOT SCORED.”

Please note that the opportunity to complete this questionnaire and to be considered for inclusion in the Best Financial Planners list is reserved for CFP® professional members of FPA. (If you are not yet an FPA member, join FPA today in order to have your submission considered.)
6% of survey complete.