Sage Stream Evaluation V2

1.Name of Organization / Individual Subscriber / Caregiver
2.If In a Community - Name of Activity Person Present
3.What type of activity was it?
4.What was the name of the artist?
5.Activities Design - Met your goals and objectives
6.Activities Design - Duration of activity was appropriate
7.Activities Design - Technology functioned properly on viewer’s side
8.Activities Design - Technology functioned properly on presenter's side
9.Educator / Entertainer - Related well with participants
10.Educator / Entertainer - Communicated clearly
11.Educator / Entertainer - Maintained participants' interest
12.Educator / Entertainer - Knew their material and/or their craft
13.Response and Participation - In Community, Residents actively participated in session. Individual Subscriber / Home Care Client - actively participated.
14.Resident or Individual Response and Participation - Verbally participated (asking & answering questions/singing along). We list detailed therapy goals at the end, which are optional to answer but will help us improve.
15.Resident or Individual Response and Participation - Verbal and Non-Verbal residents participated by smiling/nodding, blinking, opening eyes, moving mouth, positive expressions
16.Resident or Individual Response and Participation - Body movement - hand, finger, any - indicated participation
17.Did you observe changes in emotional levels prior to and after that indicating successful participation? i.e. relaxed behavior, increased alertness, breathing patterns, mood in room elevated.
18.Were family members present for activity?
19.Ask participants if they experienced program in a way meaningful to them.
20.Do they want more programs like this?
21.Do they want that artist/educator to live stream again?
22.Therapy Goals - Did program achieve any of these? Check all boxes that apply.