
Frostproof on the Move is a collaborative effort that will enable the City to identify key community assets and set goals to implement an economic vision and strategy for the City. In the first phase of the project, we are asking business owners and residents to identify the most important factors of Frostproof's economic development. We encourage you to participate in this anonymous survey as an active member of Frostproof’s business community. It should take about five minutes of your time.

If you have questions please use the contact below.

Thank you for your time in completing this survey.
Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Jennifer Codo-Salisbury, Planning and Administrative Director 
555 East Church Street
Bartow, FL  33830
863-534-7130 extension 178

Question Title

* 1. What is the main service or product provided by your business?

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* 2. Please provide a brief description of what business you own or work in?

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* 3. How many total full-time and part-time workers does your business currently employ?

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* 4. How many new positions did your business add in 2016?

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* 5. What type of position is most frequently created?

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* 6. What is average turnover rate of employees in the past 5 years?

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* 7. What percentage of employees live in Frostproof?

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* 8. Does the employer collaborate with local school(s)?

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* 9. If yes, which schools?

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* 10. If yes, in what ways?

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* 11. As your business grows, will you expand your business within Frostproof?

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* 12. If yes, what are the specifics of expansion needs (e.g. building size, lot size, utility types)?

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* 13. What is the single most frequent interaction of this business with the local government? (You may select more than one)

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* 14. How many times a year is the interaction of business with the local government?

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* 15. Has the business applied for or received local or state incentives?

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* 16. Does your business give back to the community through employer or employee programs? (e.g. corporate social responsibility, United Way, etc.)

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* 17. If yes, how?

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* 18. Please share any additional thoughts or comments.

100% of survey complete.