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This summer is an opportunity to trial different events with broad enough appeal to attract a greater number of people to enjoy our town centre. The aim is to build a programme of varied events which will grow and be sustainable into the future.

We are relying on your support both to attend those events and give honest feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

Thank you in advance for your help with this.

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1. How old are you?

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2. Are you a Folkestone:

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3. Please indicate which of the events your response refers to.

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4. Event Appeal and Diversity

In your opinion, did the event:

  Yes No Don't know
Have a broad appeal for the Folkestone community?
Create a good atmosphere in the town centre?

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5. Footfall and Dwell Time

In your opinion, did the event:

  Yes No Don't know
Increase the numbers of people in the centre?
Extend the time spent in the centre by visitors?
Bring people into the centre that are out of the habit of doing so?

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6. Marketing

  Agree Disagree Don't know
The event was well promoted beforehand
The event could have been promoted better
The event was not well promoted

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7. Content

  Agree Disagree Don't know
There was plenty of interest to see and do
The event would have benefitted from more content
The content wasn’t sufficient to attract a bigger audience

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8. Event delivery

  Agree Disagree Don't know
The event was well arranged, and the facilities met expectations
Organisation should have been sharper
The arrangements detracted from the success of the event

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9. Looking ahead

This event should be repeated:

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10. However, there is still time to get involved with events this year!

To get in touch with further thoughts or to volunteer please get in contact at

If you’re a trader who’s interested in selling at our markets please fill in the form at the link below

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11. Please provide additional comments in the section below