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Ontario is blessed with 250,000 inland lakes and countless waterways that are natural treasures enjoyed for recreation, sport and leisure. Water quality can be affected by a number of threats, but individuals can take steps to protect water quality through their actions.

FOCA is conducting this survey to understand general levels of knowledge about water quality, what affects water quality, and ways to be a good water “steward”. Results will be used to inform future FOCA programs and outreach, particularly our work on water quality monitoring through the Lake Partner Program (LPP), and may be shared in aggregate form with our LPP program partners.

There are 7 questions and it should take about 5 minutes to complete. The survey is open until February 25, 2024. Feel free to share this survey link with others.

IMPORTANT NOTE: in this survey we are interested in your impressions about Ontario's inland lakes, not the Great Lakes that experience additional industrial impacts and large-scale commercial traffic.

Question Title

* 1. 1 – How aware of water quality issues are you currently? (slide the scale, or enter a number in the box, from 1=not at all aware to 10=extremely aware)

1 (not at all aware) 5 (mid-range awareness) 10 (extremely aware)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. 2 - How concerned about water quality in waterfront Ontario are you currently?

1 (no concern) 5 (mid-range concern) 10 (extreme concern)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 3. 3 – In your opinion, what are the biggest threats to water quality in Ontario inland lakes and waterways today? (Click and drag to the top, or select the ranking order #, to rate from highest threat to lowest; choose “N/A” for any you don’t consider a threat. These options are being presented to you in random order.)

Question Title

* 4. (Optional) Are there other threats to water quality that were not listed, that you would have ranked in the top 3? If so, please indicate below:

Question Title

* 5. 5 - Which of the following do you feel are actions individuals can take to positively affect water quality? (Check all that you feel apply. These actions are being presented to you in random order.)

Question Title

* 6. For more than 25 years, FOCA's lake stewards have participated in water quality monitoring on hundreds of waterbodies across Ontario, with their annual samples analyzed by scientists of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks through the "Lake Partner Program" (LPP). Data is published publicly about long-term trends in water quality on our inland lakes.

What more could FOCA and the LPP do more of, to support your own stewardship goals for water quality?

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following statements applies to you? (select all that apply)

Thank you! Your input is appreciated. Please select "DONE" to submit your answers to FOCA, and then share the survey link with others (by email, on social media, or elsewhere).
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