FOCA is undertaking this anonymous survey to gauge current attitudes about the use of personal floatation devices (PFD) on boats. Please respond by April 15, 2023, and share the survey link with others in your waterfront community (copy the link):
Under Canadian law, all boats are required to carry a PFD for every person on board. A private member's bill is currently in second reading at the Ontario legislature that would require children aged 12 and under to wear a PFD at all times on a boat. Over the last 12 years of marine statistics from the Ontario Provincial Police, 88% of fatalities on water were not wearing a PFD, and over 85% were in vessels shorter than 6metres in length.
In April 2023, Transport Canada is expected to launch a public comment period to suggest proposed mandatory wear of PFD on all types of pleasure craft vessels (boats) in Canada.
FOCA wants to know what you think.