Awareness of SUDEP

One of Epilepsy Ireland's strategic aims is to advance strategies to reduce the risk and incidence of epilepsy deaths in Ireland. We have a number of projects ongoing regarding this work, and we regularly share information about SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) across our website and social media channels. 

This survey has been designed to help assist us with this work and to provide important information about your knowledge of SUDEP and the kind of communications you have had with your healthcare team about it. This survey is a repeat of a survey we issued a number of years ago and every response will be vital to understanding the understanding of SUDEP in Ireland. If you completed the last survey a number of years ago, you can still complete this survey. If you are only hearing/reading about SUDEP for the first time, you can find further information about SUDEP by visiting the Epilepsy Ireland website before completing. 

so please do take the time to provide us with your perspective. 

Thank you in advance.