
Hello Arkansas Fathers!

In order for us to stay in touch with you and to identify your needs, please complete all items in this 5 minute survey by March 10, 2023. We want to be better able to assist yo with your needs and connect you to the needed services.

Part I: Basic Information  Please complete the basic information below.

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* A. Name (Optional)

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* B. Please identify the type of early childhood program that serves your child/children:

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* C. Which area of the state are you from?

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* D. How many children do you have and what are their ages?

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* F. Do you live in the home with your children?

Part II: Basic Needs

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* A. Please check the boxes of the items you may need assistance with.

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* B. Mental Health Support

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* C. Education

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* D. Parenting

Part III: Statewide Fatherhood Participation

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* A.  Please check the boxes below for all Fatherhood Activities that you have  participated in. (Check all that apply.)

B. We are in the process of interviewing fathers for our website. If you wish to participate and share your "fatherhood story", please contact Hayse Miller @ 501-372-4242/ or Jackie Govan @ 501-371-0740/
Part IV: Fatherhood Resources and Brochure Distribution

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* A. We have the following resources available, please check all that you are familiar with:

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* B. If you would like more information on any of the resources below, please check the boxes below and put your email and phone number below:

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* Email

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* Phone Number

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* Part V: Other Areas

A. Please identify other needs or areas that you would be interested in hearing more about.

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* B. Please list any questions or comments that you may have regarding our fatherhood program. 

HSSCO-J. Govan

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QR Code to complete the survey electronically.