FNEAA Professional Development Workshop Preferences Survey

Dear First Nations Education Administrators and Partners,

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your input is valuable in helping us tailor professional development workshops to meet your needs better. There are only 6 questions; sharing your preferences with us takes a few minutes.
1.What is the best day of the week for you to attend professional development workshops? (Select all that apply)
2.What are your preferred times for workshops? (Select all that apply)
3.Which Time Zone are you from?
4.Would obtaining a professional certification designed for First Nations Education Administrators be important to you?
Not at all important
Low Importance
Moderately important 
Very Important
Importance of Certification
5.Which of the following courses are a priority for you? (Check all that apply)
6.Which courses would you like to see offered by FNEAA? (Select your preferences)
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered