Small Business Coronavirus Marketing Survey
What industry are you in and how long have you been in business?
Did you pivot your business model in any way to accommodate clients and still operate despite orders to close?
No, there was no change in operations and we stayed open.
We didn't pivot but just closed.
Yes, we pivoted. (please specify)
How has coronavirus affected your marketing plans?
We cut off/canceled/pressed pause on all marketing entirely.
We stopped all paid efforts (digital ads, direct mail) and used only free (or nearly free) methods like posting on social media and blogging.
We continued marketing at our usual/planned outflow.
We increased our marketing to grab market share.
We don't actively market the business, so nothing changed.
If you changed your marketing plans in any way, can you briefly explain what you did and why?
Now that most of the country is reopening, how will this affect your marketing budget and plans?
I reduced my marketing spend due to the pandemic and won't be increasing it.
I reduced my marketing spend due to the pandemic and will be returning it to normal.
I reduced my marketing spend due to the pandemic and will be increasing it now that things are opening again.
I kept my marketing spend steady throughout this entire thing and plan to keep it steady.
I kept my marketing spend steady throughout this entire thing and plan to increase it now that things are opening again.
I increased my marketing spend to grab more market share and plan to keep it up.
Other (please specify)
Did you receive any PPP funds?
I applied and did not receive funds.
I applied and am currently in limbo.
I did not apply.
Taking any PPP or other assistance received into account, where do you expect your 2020 revenue to end when all is said and done?
Within 5% of 2019
Down by 5-10%
Down by 11-15%
Down by 16-20%
Down by 20-25%
Down by 25% or more
Up by 5-10%
Up by 11-15%
Up by 16-20%
Up by 20-25%
Up by 25% or more
Where do you expect to be at the end of 2020 in terms of staff count?
Same as pre-covid 19
Less than pre-covid 19
More than before Rona came to town! We're killing it!
Are your staff coming back to work?
No, I'm letting them work from home.
Some have returned while others are hesitant to return.
Other (please specify)
If you had quite a learning experience and came out alive we'd love to hear about it!! Tell us here — we may want to add this to our weekly newsletter to help others in the same industry.