Small Business Coronavirus Marketing Survey

1.What industry are you in and how long have you been in business?
2.Did you pivot your business model in any way to accommodate clients and still operate despite orders to close?
3.How has coronavirus affected your marketing plans?(Required.)
4.If you changed your marketing plans in any way, can you briefly explain what you did and why?
5.Now that most of the country is reopening, how will this affect your marketing budget and plans?(Required.)
6.Did you receive any PPP funds?(Required.)
7.Taking any PPP or other assistance received into account, where do you expect your 2020 revenue to end when all is said and done?(Required.)
8.Where do you expect to be at the end of 2020 in terms of staff count?(Required.)
9.Are your staff coming back to work?
10.If you had quite a learning experience and came out alive we'd love to hear about it!! Tell us here — we may want to add this to our weekly newsletter to help others in the same industry.