
Treasury Today Group's Women in Treasury initiative continues to challenge the status quo and is making a real difference in our industry. Your continued participation in this annual global equity study, proudly supported by Standard Chartered, is helping us build a clear picture of the important issues across the industry. Our study invites a wide range of respondents of all genders to take part, so get involved in the conversation!

However, we have structured some of this year's questions to be gender specific so if you are female or non-binary please continue to the first question below. If you are a male please follow this link A MALE PERSPECTIVE to complete the study.

As you work your way through the study please answer any and all questions that you find relevant to your experience or where you have an opinion or experience to share. This years’ study will build upon our previous research and move the debate forward, exploring key areas such as:
  • Representation and transparency.
  • Flexibility in the workplace.
  • Diversity, inclusion and equity.
  • Mentoring, sponsorship and coaching.
  • Career journeys, confronting bias and discrimination.
  • Engaging support and sponsorship for diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Why messaging matters.
As a participant you will be sent a full set of findings from the study. A summary of the results will be published in Treasury Today and Treasury Today Asia and will be presented at our Women in Treasury Forums for APAC at the Four Seasons, Singapore on 11th July, EMEA at the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel, London on 9th September and US at Midtown Loft and Terrace, New York on 10th October. If you are interested in attending our 2024 forums, please contact us.

You can partially complete the study and return later to finish. However, to ensure any answers are saved, please click the save and go to next page button. You may also return to a completed study to amend any answers.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this study; it should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete. If you have any queries or comments please do let us know via email to or

Please note all responses will be treated in strict confidence and no personal information will be disclosed.

Thank you for your participation.

Very best regards,

Sophie Jackson, Publisher & Head of Strategic Content

Meg Coates, Publisher & Head of Operations

Question Title

* Contact details

Question Title

* What is your gender?