Ballina 2023 End of Year Survey

The steering group of Ballina 2023 are seeking feedback on this years activities, as part of a wider evaluation of Ballina 2023. This is a short survey - it'll take about 6 or 7 minutes to complete - whereby we hope to capture what the public thought of the year. All answers will be treated in the strictest of confidence. Thanks!

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. Origin

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* 4. On a scale of 1-10 (10 = I enjoyed it a lot, 1 = not at all), how would you rate your enjoyment of Ballina 2023?

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. What was your favourite event of the year?

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* 6. After 2023 I feel:

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* 7. After 2023, I feel more a part of the community in Ballina:

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* 8. After 2023, I think people outside of Ballina are:

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* 9. Did you participate in Ballina 2023?

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* 10. If yes to the above, how did you participate?

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* 11. If you participated in Ballina 2023, on a scale of 1-10 (10 = a wonderful experience, 1 =  a poor experience), how would you rate your experience ?

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 12. What do you think was unique about Ballina 2023 (something that had not been done previously)?

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* 13. What do you think the long term impact of Ballina 2023 will be on Ballina and its communities?

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* 14. How did you first hear about Ballina 2023?

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* 15. After 2023, what would be your vision for the future of Ballina?

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* 16. Any final comments about Ballina 2023, the programme of events or next steps?

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* 17. If you would like to be contacted to take part in a follow up focus group as part of this evaluation, please include your contact details here: