We are keen to connect with gardeners and home owners who are personally experiencing climate change outside their own back doors as extreme weather events and shifting seasons affect their beloved gardens.

We are very interested to hear how these climate experiences make you feel about a range of issues.

Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences, thoughts and feelings about climate change gardening.

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* 3. Have you noticed extreme changes to your local weather patterns where you garden and over how many years?

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* 4. How is the experience of climate change in your garden affecting your plants?

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* 5. How does gardening in a changing climate make you feel personally?

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* 6. How easy do you find it to explore steps to living a sustainable or low carbon life?

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* 7. Do changing weather extremes in your garden make you think more about climate change and its impacts on your life ?

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* 8. What steps might you consider to become more sustainable in your garden and in the home?

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* 9. Would you find it useful to share your personal climate gardening experiences with other gardeners via an online platform where you would also receive advice and inspiration on how to easily make the shift to sustainable living?

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* 10. Growing a garden is to believe in tomorrow and inspires planning for the future. What type of legacy would you like to leave your children and grand children?