Disability and in-home aged care workers workers doing sleepovers often work under difficult conditions for low pay. Despite this, peak organisations representing employers in the disability and home care sectors are currently advocating in the Fair Work Commission for a reduction of entitlements for workers doing sleepovers.

Your union will be representing you in the Fair Work Commission fighting back against a reduction in entitlements. This survey will help us do that by updating our understanding of the experience of workers doing sleepover shifts.

To make sure we understand the practical reality of sleepover shifts for you as a disability worker, please take this short survey.

Who is conducting the survey? The survey is being carried out by your union.

What is involved? If you participate, the survey will ask you questions about your experience working sleepover shifts. It should take 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey will close 27 June 2024. You are welcome to share the link with colleagues who work in the disability sector, so they can also participate.

Do I have to do it? Participation is voluntary. If you do not want to take part, you do not have to. Your participation will help our collective efforts to try to improve conditions for sleepovers and guard against a reduction in entitlements.

Is it confidential? What you say in the survey is confidential. We will never share your personal information unless you give us permission. We won’t tell anyone who you are, who you work for, or where you work. If you tell us we can use your responses to this survey, we will make sure any quotes used from your responses are anonymised and do not include any information which might identify you.

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently work in the disability sector and/or with people with disability?

Question Title

* 2. Do you currently work in the in-home aged care sector?