Exit Therapy Dog Question Title * 1. Position at the United Nations Staff Political Appointment Intern Visitor Affiliate/NGO Consultant Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. If staff member, how long have you worked at the United Nations? Less than 5 years 5 - 10 years 10 - 20 years Over 20 years Question Title * 3. Have you ever experienced Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) or Pet Therapy? (Mark all appropriate replies) No, this is the first I have heard about it Yes, I have heard about AAT but never worked with I have worked in locations with AAT I have a pet that is used to AAT Question Title * 4. How familiar are you with the health benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy? Not at all Somewhat Very familiar Question Title * 5. Do you support the concept of AAT in this work location? Do not support Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly support Question Title * 6. Do you have concern about AAT dog at the United Nations? Yes No If yes, please share: Question Title * 7. During your AAT interaction with AAT dog, did you experience any of the following: Increased mood/happiness Decreased mood/happiness Reduced anxiety/depression Decreased physical pain No effect Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. If you experienced a positive reaction to the AAT dog, how long did the feeling last: It didn't last All day A few minutes A few hours Longer than a day Question Title * 9. Comments or suggestions about the pilot of AAT dog at the United Nations Next