Hearing Voices Group Facilitator Training, Boca Raton, Florida, February, 2019
This form is for the purpose of applying for the RLC's next “Hearing Voices Group Facilitator” Training. We’ve had great responses to our previous facilitator’s trainings and many groups have started as a result. The training is presented by the Western Massachusetts Recovery Learning Community (RLC) with the primary purpose of training people to start their own Hearing Voices Groups in their own area.
Hearing Voices Groups originated in Europe and now there are over 160 chartered groups in England alone. Hearing Voices Groups do not pathologize hearing voices, seeing visions or other unusual experiences. Instead, group members explore these phenomena in an environment of mutual support and curiosity. They offer people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual experiences the opportunity to share their experience and explore new ways of coping, understanding their experiences and getting support.
Please complete the application below in its entirety. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the class is full. If you require urgent notification of acceptance (due to needing to make travel arrangements or similar) please also e-mail info@westernmassrlc.org and let us know that you are requesting early admission notice and why.
Please e-mail us at info@westernmassrlc.org if you have any questions!
The Western Mass RLC
See Below for Further Training Details:
TRAINERS: Trainers will be announced soon, but will include two members of the Western Mass Recovery Learning Community team. All of our trainers have first-hand experience with hearing voices and/or seeing visions, as well as group facilitation.
TRAINING DATES, TIMES AND LOCATION: Dates for the training are scheduled for Monday, Feburary 24th to Wednesday, February, 26, 2020. Each day will run from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Reading homework may be assigned ahead of time and/or during the class. The training will be located at the Boca Raton Community Center in downtown Boca next to City Hall.
TRAINING PREREQUISITES: This training is primarily intended for people who have some basic facilitation skills and/or training, though not absolutely required so long as it is understood that the training is not designed to provide these basic skills. Some awareness of and investment in the Hearing Voices Movement and approach is required, so please be sure you’ve checked out www.hearingvoicesusa.org and/or other sources to be sure you are familiar with the basics and still interested in applying! You should be already facilitating or have an active interest in starting an HVN group.
COST: There is a $100 fee for this training. However, the fee can be waived upon request. Participants are responsible for their own food and travel expenses as applicable.
OTHER IMPORTANT INFO: This training is open to people who identify as voice hearers, allies, friends and family, clinicians, peer workers and others in the community who are interested in supporting the growth of Hearing Voices groups in their area.