Flat Creek Crossing Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your responses are extremely important to the success of the Flat Creek Crossing project.
1.How familiar would you say you are with the Flat Creek Crossing accessible trail/park project?
2.How important do you think the Flat Creek Crossing trail/park project is to Montreat?
3.How needed is this accessible park for people living with disabilities or mobility challenges?
4.Why did you answer as you did to the previous question?
5.Would you, your family, and/or your guests use the Flat Creek Crossing accessible trail/park?
6.How familiar are you with other accessible parks in the area?
7.How important are the following features for an accessible trail/park:
Extremely important
Very important
Somewhat important
Not so important
Not at all important
Don't know
Wide, smooth gradually sloped paved trail to the creek
Handrails along the trail
Wheelchair accessible picnic tables
"Up close" native plant/rock gardens
Education stations providing information about nearby features
Handicapped parking near the entrance to the trail
Welcome benches at the entrance to the trail
Thank you for your answers. Now, please take a minute to answer some questions about yourself:
8.Where do you live (City, State)?
9.Total number of persons living in your household
10.Number of persons in your household under the age of 12
11.Number of persons in your household over the age of 65
12.Number of persons in your household with special needs
13.What is your connection to Montreat?
Thank you again for your time. Watch for continuing information on the Flat Creek Crossing project.