2023-24 CharterChoice Collaborative (SFA) - School Interest in Joining SFA Question Title Please complete the following information to help CharterChoice Collaborative (SFA) to get to know your school and plans/interests for meal programs. No question is required so please feel free to skip any question if you do not have information or if it does not pertain to your plans for next year. Question Title * 1. Please complete the following information: Name School Title Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 2. Point of Contact for School Meal Programs (Leave blank if same as above): Name Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 3. Please complete the following information for the 2023-24 school year: What grades will you be serving? What is your anticipated enrollment? What is your current/anticipated Free and Reduced Lunch percentage? What is your anticipated participation - meals served per day for breakfast and/or lunch programs? What is your school's start date for the 2023-24 school year? What is your currently doing for your meal program? If so, do you participate in Child Nutrition Programs (reimbursable) or is it outside of those programs? How/Where are your meals prepared? Question Title * 4. What programs would you like to offer next year? National School Lunch Program(NSLP) School Breakfast Program (SBP) After School Care Snack Program (ACSP) (At-risk) Supper program Seamless Summer or Summer Food Service Program (provide food during summer school) Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program (FFVP) Question Title * 5. What type of food service model are you interested in offering? (The following are general descriptions of service models.) Vended (food prepared (off-site commercial kitchen) and delivered by meal vendor and the school staff serves the food) Full Service (the vendor provides staff to cook on site and serve the food) Self-preparation (school handles all aspects of on-site meal program (procure and prepare food, develop menus, and serve meals). Other model of service (please specify) Question Title * 6. What type of food service model are you interested in offering? Select all that may apply(The following are general descriptions of service models.) Vended (food prepared (off-site commercial kitchen) and delivered by meal vendor and the school staff serves the food) Full Service (the vendor provides staff to cook on site and serve the food) Self-preparation (school handles all aspects of on-site meal program (procure and prepare food, develop menus, and serve meals). Other model of service (please specify) Question Title * 7. What equipment do you currently/plan to have for the program: Warmer Retherm Oven Milk Cooler Commercial Refrigerator Commercial Freezer Other Equipment or Equipment related comments (please specify) Question Title * 8. Questions that you have about joining CharterChoice or operating a meal program? Next