Please join us for The 8th Annual South Shore Leadership Conference! The goal of this free conference is to build leadership skills to enable local residents to become actively engaged in advocacy work in their communities.

We welcome community organizations and local vendors to share information, products, and resources with community members at the conference.
Please sign up below to SECURE a resource table.

The 8th Annual
Saturday, June 9th, 2018
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
West Middle School
271 West Street, Brockton

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* Please enter your contact information to register for a resource table:

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* Are you representing a non-profit organization?

If your organization is a for-profit organization, we ask for a donation of $50 for the table. This donation will be used to support the costs of the event. If your organization is already a sponsor of the event, this fee is waived.

All donations may be made via check payable to: The United Way of Greater Plymouth County, attn: Community Connections of Brockton.

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Resource tables may be set up the morning of the conference, as early as 8:30 am. Representatives will be asked to be at their tables during registrations, lunch and during breaks to interact with attendees.
All resource table representatives are invited to attend keynote speaker presentations and leadership workshops. Breakfast and lunch are provided to all attendees and volunteers.

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Thank you for participating in the 2018 South Shore Leadership Conference! We look forward to seeing you!

Questions? Call Sara at 508-857-0272 or email at