SIS Research is conducting a Compensated Research Study about Beverages in the US.
We are providing a $125 USD compensation if you qualify, are selected and successfully complete 4 tasks over a 5-day period.  If you were selected, the research project would involve approximately 20 minutes of tasks per day.  You could also be selected for an online interview to win an additional incentive.
We are interested in opinions and attitudes. The interview is for research purposes only.
If you are interested, we first would like to see if this study is a fit. Please take the pre-screening survey to be considered

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. How do you identify as?

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* 3. What is your ethnicity?

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* 4. Do you or any members of your family or friends work or have ever worked in any of the following industries?

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* 5. Have you attended any discussions for the purpose of market research during the past 6 months?

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* 6. How often do you visit the following dine-in food/drink establishments?

  Daily At least once a week At least once a month At least once a year Never
Hotel bar / restaurant
Fine dining restaurant
Casual dining restaurant
Fast food restaurant
Quick service / snack establishment
Bar/Tavern/Licensed establishment with food
Bar/Tavern/Licensed establishment without food

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* 7. Which of the following non-alcoholic beverages have you consumed within a dine-in food/drink establishment in the last week?

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* 8. Please write in 4 to 6 sentences what are your favorite non alcoholic beverage brands and why?

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* 9. Please write 4 to 6 sentences to describes on what occasions do you drink these non-alcoholic beverages? 

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* 10. If selected, the research will involve a diary task to be completed over a 5 day period, including the weekend, via an online platform. You will be asked questions on your carbonated soft drink choices, behaviours and experiences in dine-in food/drink establishments in which you visit during the 5 days. A proportion of recruits will then be asked to take part in an 30 minute online interview, the week or two following the diary task - are you happy to partake in both elements?

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* 11. If selected, would you be happy for us to re-contact you again in future about taking part in further stages of this research project?

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* 12. We will be video recording the discussion. This is for market research purposes only and will not be put into the public domain i.e. it will not be shared with the media or on social media. It may be shared with the sponsor of the research but they will only use the footage internally and they will not use it for marketing or share it externally.